

A 二手车 is a great way to save some cash, but consider these tips before you buy.


Buying a 二手车 is a great way to save money and still obtain the transportation you need for work, 学校, 或者一般的生活. 但在购买之前,请考虑以下问题:

  • 我应该通过经销商还是个人购买?
  • 在我的车辆中交易的好处是什么 自己卖车?
  • 我怎么知道我想买的二手车是可靠的? Once you've decided to buy a 二手车, 在这里 are some tips that may help with the process.


Before purchasing a used 车辆, start with these suggestions:

  • Inspect the car yourself for mechanical soundness, or have it inspected by a certified mechanic. Look for signs of wear and tear, rust, paint gouges, and other red flags.
  • 从独立服务机构购买车辆报告,例如 交叉路口 或《pp王者电子官网》. You can learn about any serious damage the car may have sustained, 如 flooding or a bent frame.
  • 查看官方指南,比如 凯利蓝皮书 or 没有什么结果,查询你想要的车辆的价格. Value will vary according to the 使 and model, age, condition, mileage, and the car's features. With this information, you can negotiate with the seller for the best price.
  • 保护自己免受欺诈. 在购买之前, 检查车辆识别号码 (VIN)以确保汽车没有被报失. Also, look at the VIN tag and registration documentation to be sure they haven't been tampered with. It's wise to take extra precautions with any private sellers who want cash only or won't provide a home address and phone number.
  • After purchasing your car, it's relatively easy to obtain proof of insurance and to 增加或更换车辆 在你现有的pp王者电子官网单上.


For many people, a trade-in provides a convenient negotiating solution when 从经销商那里买一辆二手车. 对另一些人来说, 自己把车卖了 可能优先考虑. Maximize how much you might get for your trade-in 车辆 by following a few key steps:

  • 利用……来做作业 在线汽车评估工具. These tools may offer a good idea of how much your car may be worth. The key is to check multiple sites and be realistic when evaluating the condition of your 车辆; very few cars actually qualify as "excellent.“与经销商讨论以旧换新时要诚实. 服务评估可以快速发现任何服务需求.
  • 了解市场如何运作. 仅仅因为评估工具显示你的车值5美元,000, 这并不意味着你能从毒贩那里拿到那么多钱. 了解一下报价的范围, 拜访几家经销商, 至少包括一个与你的汽车品牌不同的品牌.
  • 使用以旧换新的价值作为谈判工具. 如果你不能让经销商在新车的价格上让步, you might be able to ask them to improve the total value of your trade-in as a lure for getting your business.
  • 将汽车折价与购车分开. Once you agree on a value for the trade-in, 使 sure it's treated as credit. 然后开始单独谈判你的新车价格. This may help reduce the sales tax you pay on your new 二手车.


从经销商那里买车, follow the steps below to get the best price on your used 车辆.

  • Shop several reputable dealerships that offer certified, pre-owned 车辆s. These 车辆s will come with a warranty, either from the dealer or manufacturer.
  • 在提到以旧换新之前先谈价格
  • Bring pre-approval documentation and necessary paperwork when closing the deal. 另外,一定要仔细阅读购买合同.


If you're considering buying a car privately - perhaps you're looking for a particular 车辆 or you found a seller with the 车辆 you want - follow these tips to 使 a private purchase a happy transaction for both sides

  • 了解买家在特定年份通常会付多少钱, 使, 你想要的模型, 在你想要的状态下, 在你所在的地区. T在这里 may be less room to haggle with a private seller than with a dealer, but having this knowledge may help you 使 an offer that's fair.
  • 注意危险信号, 如 a car that is priced suspiciously low or a seller that requests a wire transfer in advance. Also, always ask to see the title, which is a way for the seller to prove ownership.
  • 当你准备好买的时候, investigate the 车辆's history by looking up a report from a service, 如 交叉路口,以发现卖方可能没有披露的问题. 私人交易通常“按原样出售”," which means any post-sale problems are typically the buyer's responsibility.
  • Complete a pre-purchase inspection by taking the 车辆 to a reputable mechanic. The mechanic can evaluate and advise if they see a potential problem or future repair that may cost you thousands of dollars down the road.
  • 当与私人卖家完成交易时, get your paperwork in order and work with an escrow service to facilitate the payment, 或者在您的金融机构进行交易.

不管你是 买新车 或者买一辆新车, 打电话给你的代理 讨论汽车策略更改.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm 使s no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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新和. 二手车-计算拥有成本

购买价格只是考虑因素之一. Also weigh depreciation and interest costs to determine the total cost of car ownership.


买车? Here's a car loan calculator to help you compare and decide which loan may be best for you.


在车辆上做作业, 贷款利率, and car prices might help keep the process from being overwhelming.


A 二手车 is a great way to save some cash, but consider these tips before you buy.